Every student must have at least 85% attendance to appear in any examination. Benefit of having more attendance for half yearly will not be given to the annual. The relaxation in the attendance may be granted subject to the full satisfaction of the Principal /Headmistress on any of the following two grounds:
� Every student must have at least 85% attendance to appear in any examination. Benefit of having more attendance for half yearly will not be given to the annual. The relaxation in the attendance may be granted subject to the full satisfaction of the Principal /Headmistress on any of the following two grounds:
a) Medical grounds: In case the child is seriously sick and remains absent for two or more than two consecutive working days he/she will have to produce the medical fitness certificate from a competent authority.
b) Any mis-happening in the family.
Under both the above mentioned conditions, it is the duty of the parents to inform the school well in time.
� A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious/contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate of fitness to attend classes. Students suffering from the following disease must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
a) Chicken Pox : Till scabs fall completely.
b) Cholera : Till the child is completely well
c) Conjunctivitis : Till redness in the eyes completely disappears.
d) Measles : Two weeks after the rashes disappear
e) Mumps : Until swelling has gone (about one month)
f) Whooping Cough : Six weeks
A discharge slip along with the other related documents will be required from the hospital in case a student has been hospitalized for any disease (e.g. jaundice, typhoid, malaria etc.).
� It is important for students to attend the first and last day of school ( i.e., before and after every vacation). If due to unavoidable circumstances they are unable to do so, written permission of the Principal is needed before the child can attend the academic session.
� Students are responsible for making up all work missed during the period of their absence. However, teachers support will be provided.
� For any other day of absence the parents should submit a written explanation in the handbook.
� If sick leave is being mentioned and it is for more than 3 days, the parent should submit a doctor's certificate.
� Any student participating in athletics or other extra-curricular activities after school hours cannot remain absent from regular school.
� Half days or early leave for students will be permitted at the discretion of the Management and Principal.
� When a long term absence is anticipated, parents/guardians should take written permission from the Principal.
� No leave will be granted for family vacations, festivities, ceremonies, overseas trips, etc. except on medical grounds.
� Absence without granted leave or unexplained absence for six consecutive working days will lead to strict disciplinary action as deemed fit.
� Absence without proper information over the period of a week and continuous absence of 90 days or more without information renders a pupil liable to have his/her name struck off the roll. The admission fee must be paid again for re-admission.
� Students having 100% Attendance will be awarded with a medal/merit certificate at the end of the session.